MathEcoSpirit Academy

Home » FAQs


Q. Where will this school be located?
A. In Carriere, Mississippi.

Q. Is this an ISKCON project?
A. MathEcoSpirit Academy is an independent initiative sponsored by ISKCON New Talavan.

Q. Is this a school for Hare Krishnas?
A. Due to our location, practitioners of Vaishnavism or Hinduism might be more attracted to our school, but all children are equally welcome to apply for admission.

Q. How does one apply for admission and how much is the tuition?
A. We are in the process of establishing our admissions policy and tuition fees. Please, contact us by email for details at

Q. When will the school officially open?
A. We will start in August 2013 with grades K-2 by reviving New Talavan School.

Q. What if my children are a little older?

A. We will consider accepting older children on an individual basis.


  1. Brenda Nirenberg says:

    I am happy to have more details concerning the school. I hope the school is a wonderful success.

  2. Thank you for your good wishes and your offer to help.

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